I received an award at my new job last week. I am very proud of it, but it is a bittersweet thing. You see, I was given the award to "Most likely to 'dive in head first into the lions den.'" I take that as a great compliment because it means I'm doing a great job and I'm fearless at overcoming my tasks.
Friday, August 28, 2009
I received an award at my new job last week. I am very proud of it, but it is a bittersweet thing. You see, I was given the award to "Most likely to 'dive in head first into the lions den.'" I take that as a great compliment because it means I'm doing a great job and I'm fearless at overcoming my tasks.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Focusing Life
I have some confessing to do. While I usually confess in the privacy of silent prayers, I feel the need to be held accountable to anyone who reads this, especially my husband and God. I am a selfish person. I've been selfish for a long time, but it has finally caught up with me and I feel like it slapped me across the face today. I have just made several great accomplishments in my life. I officially graduate college next Friday, and I've landed my first job in the career world. I feel alive with success, and I'm very proud of myself. But it doesn't stop there. I have felt the thrill of success and personal accomplishment, and it has blinded me to what is most important in my life: my relationships. A diploma is great, but at the end of the day, it is still a piece of paper. While I have zeroed in on the things I want out of life, I have lost focus of my real purpose. I am not listening to God for direction. I have found a power trip on my own success in choices and I've forgotten to be obedient. For that I am so sorry.
Monday, July 13, 2009
It's been a while since I've posted. I get caught up in the world sometimes. There have been a lot of things I've contemplated lately that make me ask myself if I am a poser. What I mean is, how connected to God am I? I find myself worrying about being a name-dropper. I first heard this term while watching a celebrity news channel. It was defined as a person who brags about famous friends to make themselves look better.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Getting Through it
I want to tell you about a few things that have made the last few weeks hard.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sources of Help
It takes my son 10 seconds to walk out of our front door. There is a two-inch step down that separates him from the porch, and he is usually apprehensive of that step. Most days he holds out his hand to me and calls for me to hold his hand. Then it only takes two seconds. Other days he sees me close by and he will crawl on his hands and knees down the step. That is when it takes him a little longer.
My point is each day he goes through the door is a learning experience. Some days he falls out the door and learns that he needs to take his time. Other days he learns that he can do it on his own. Sometimes he learns that he needs a helping hand.
Our relationship with God is very similar to this. Some days we think we have it all figured out and we take off in a dead run, just to trip over our own plans. Other days we know we need Him and we call out to him for help. Sometimes we know he is near and we make the slow and steady choices that he would be pleasing to him.
God had given us the gift of free will. He lets us make our own choices and we must deal with the consequences – good and bad. While this may seem cruel, it really is freeing. I watch my son every time he takes a step out the door. I let him make his decision of how to make it out, ready to help, comfort or congratulate him as the situation requires. It brings me joy to see him want me there, and I know it brings him comfort and happiness to know that I am always there no matter what decision he makes.
Psalm 48:14 says, “for this is God, Our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to death.” What I like to focus on is that He will be our guide. All we have to do is follow the path that he sets forth. He will always be there showing us the way and watching our steps. It is our choice to make, but he will be there to help us make it.
Lord, thank you for showing us your path. The perfect path. Lord, we may not always choose the right path that you set, but we want to. Forgive us for straying and keep our pride from coming between our relationship. I want to have a close walk with you, Lord. I take comfort in knowing that you will catch me if I fall down. I smile knowing that you love me enough to let me make my own decisions. I choose you.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Weekly Devotional
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Settling on Contentment
My husband and I have been going through difficult times since he was laid off in January. It has been tough, and we have had to deal with decisions we made too hastily. For instance, we both bought new cars last year. We never thought he would lose his job, so it never crossed our minds that it might be a mistake. Now, we are downsizing. We had gotten grand ideas of the big life we were going to live. I thought it was fine, but we were too focused on fleshly things. Our focus wasn't on God. I ran across a scripture today I had highlighted in my Bible. It brought me back into focus with what my life should be centered on.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Needing a Moment
I am having a rough day today. This is my last week of school, and I have to work all weekend. I have so many last-minute projects and papers due. Why are there only 24 hours in a day? I don't understand how I'm supposed to do all of this.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
It's all About Perspective
Let me start of by saying the Lord is awesome! I've had an amazing day, and I must give Him all of the credit. Today, not to brag on myself too much, I won an award for something I had worked really hard on. I had put a lot of my heart and soul into this something, and it pleased me to be recognized for my efforts. Then I started thinking.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I read something today that really made me think, and I wanted to share it with you. First, let me say I've had a stressful week and I let my temper get the best of me. I work in the restaurant business, where every day I work in a high-stress environment. I do my best to be a calm, Christian person, but I am human and my sinful nature sometimes - and regrettably - gets the best of me.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Last Friday, my son got sick. We were eating lunch when my husband began telling me how he wouldn't get up that morning. He just lay in my arms limp. We didn't know what was happening, and I felt panic rising up in me as we rushed him to the doctor. It was Good Friday. As we sat in the waiting room I started thinking of the worst-case scenarios and losing my son. My panic rose even more.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
My dog, Roxie, has a cute habit of following me around in my house. She lays at my feet wherever I stop. In the bathroom, under my computer desk, on the couch: everywhere. I stopped to think about why she does this, and it occurred to me that I am someone she feels safe with. She follows me around because I take care of her, and she is never alone when with me.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
You know, life isn't easy. A lot of times, it really does feel like an uphill battle that has no end. While thinking about this can be overwhelming, I have found the greatest source of comfort. No matter how dark my day may seem, The Great Comforter is always there for me. God has never left my side and I take that as a never-ending blessing. Praise his name for the love and support he gives us. I can't just quote one verse for this, though there is a perfect passage to encompass what God does for us.
Making a Mission
I've become pumped about God. He is doing amazing things in my life and I'm excited about it. PRAISE GOD!!! Okay, I know that's a little radical, but honestly, I couldn't describe my feelings any better way. With all of the excitement from Him lately, it is easy for me to fulfill my duties as a Christian. Matthew 28:19 says, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." Of course, this is the Great Commission you hear about.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Hearing the Love
For a long time I didn't think God was talking to me. What I mean is, I'd never heard him directly speak to me when I asked him a direct question. I never doubted his word when it said he would always answer prayers and be there for us, but I just couldn't seem to feel it. It wasn't until yesterday at church that I realized I just couldn't see it. A woman sang a special song and her words were encouragement to my heart. I recently subscribed to Today's Christian Woman, a magazine, and each issue seems to address issues that I need help with. It is amazing how each of these nurtured my current needs.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Having a Name
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Finding Comfort
A lady at my church told a story the other day about a rift between her and her daughter. She asked God to give her the right words so that she could connect with her daughter again and He did! God is a mighty force of love and goodness. When this lady told her story it made me think of how much comfort He brought her by reconnecting this woman and her daughter.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Giving up control
I'm going to hit on a sore subject for me tonight. One of the hardest commands I've had to swallow found in the Bible is about the duties of a wife. Now I love my husband and I'll do just about anything for him, but as he says, I kind of like to wear the pants. So when my Sunday school class touched on the foundations and stipulations of marriage, I cringed a little. Ephesians 5:22 says, "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord." Then verse 24 goes on to say, "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing."
Friday, February 27, 2009
Finding Love and Acceptance
I think this blog is going to be a little different than the others because it is more of a recently-acquired soap box issue for me. I have found that a lot of my friends are struggling with self-image issues - for a variety of reasons - and I want to offer a word of encouragement to everyone out there who might have low self esteem.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Did you know that the word rejoice is mentioned in the Bible 84 times? (Or at least that is how many times it is referenced mine). It must be a pretty significant word to be mentioned so much.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Generating Peace
I want to start right off with my verse for today. "The Lord is good to them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh Him." Lamentations 3:25. I was struck by this verse after beginning a study of Lamentations a few months ago and I have kept referring back to it. I am not a patient person. I quickly get moody and irritable when I do not immediately get my way (just ask my husband). I've always been told that patience is a virtue, and that must be true. It does, though, seem to put it just out of reach for people when it is held to such high esteem. I can't help but wonder if some think they cannot achieve patience and just quit trying. This verse has helped me realize that God wants everyone to master patience, and if he expects it of us, then everyone can do it.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
God's Day
This will be my last post for the weekend. I'm following in God's example and not working on Sunday. I've spent a glorious day with my son and husband, and I intend to do the same tomorrow. I hope everyone goes to church and gets a little dose of God's grace.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Finding Inspiration
I've been listening to K-Love a lot lately, and I was especially interested in their "uncommon heroes" contest. I began thinking of who my hero is, and I couldn't think of anything offhand, but then I pictured my son. I am 22 and my son is 13 months. My husband recently lost his job and we have been struggling. My son is my motivation and my life. I can come home at night, and all he wants to do is cuddle or throw his ball. It never crosses his mind that he hasn't received a new toy in weeks, or that we buy the cheaper brands of diapers. He is content. Happy.