I want to tell you about a few things that have made the last few weeks hard.
- My dog, Jade, got run over last Tuesday.
- I owe $1,500 for my last two classes - in 9 days.
- I've recently taken a pay cut.
- My son is going through separation anxiety - which in turn makes my day stressful.
Now, I want to tell you why it doesn't matter.
- God has given me the promise of eternal, perfect life with no trouble or pain.
That is all I need. This life can try my strength and endurance, but God has promised everlasting life to me! Trivial inconveniences and sad events can't bring me down when I visualize myself walking streets of gold with Jesus.
Satan who? Demons what? They can't stand up to my God. They can't take away what God has given to me. See, my God said He would always be there for me, and He has held true to that.
My dog was like my first child. She was my baby girl. She kept me company when I was pregnant, and she always could make me feel better any time I was sad. I thought I'd be distraught, but every time I'd start to lose my cool, God would blanket me with peace and love. David said it best in Psalm 21:13, "... so will we sing and praise thy power." How can I not give God all the praise when he brought me through such a tough time? Psalm 23:4 says, " Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and staff they comfort me."
I understand how people can be overwhelmed with life's situations if they aren't trusting in God's promise. It is easy to find situations stressful when you are trying to do everything on your own. That is why I encourage you to give it all to God. Acts 16:31 says, "Believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Instead of trusting you can do it all yourself, give the load to God. He will willingly take it so that you can have peace. God will take on anything. What he wants is to give you the gift of eternal life. Trust in him.
God, thank you for always taking care of me. Thank you for loving me and sending Jesus to die for me. I can't imagine giving my son for others. I can't imagine what a sacrifice that was. Lord, you are my greatest comfort and I know I can do anything when you are on my side. Lord, help me be a bright light for you. Help me show those around me how awesome your gift is, and how much hope you offer with your saving grace. I love you, God. Amen.