A lady at my church told a story the other day about a rift between her and her daughter. She asked God to give her the right words so that she could connect with her daughter again and He did! God is a mighty force of love and goodness. When this lady told her story it made me think of how much comfort He brought her by reconnecting this woman and her daughter.
God is our great comforter. Psalms 23 is dedicated to how he leads us every step and is there to catch us when we fall. John 14:16 says, " And I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever." This is Jesus talking about how the Holy Spirit will dwell with us on earth after Jesus goes back to heaven. My Bible's notes say the Holy Spirit is to be here for us every day. Isn't God amazing, to give us a shield of comfort even here on earth.
When I'm not having a good day or something goes wrong and I need a little love, I turn to God first because he always answers. Whether He offers a blanket of peace to calm my soul or an encouraging word, He is always there. Thank God for his consistent, unrelenting and unconditional love.
God you offer more than we could ever deserve and we thank you for your generosity. Bless you for blessing us and being our Great Comforter every day. We love you and are blessed by your love. Help us show your love and comforting hands to those around us who may need it as well. Be our guide and show us how to live life for you. Amen.
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