I want to start right off with my verse for today. "The Lord is good to them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh Him." Lamentations 3:25. I was struck by this verse after beginning a study of Lamentations a few months ago and I have kept referring back to it. I am not a patient person. I quickly get moody and irritable when I do not immediately get my way (just ask my husband). I've always been told that patience is a virtue, and that must be true. It does, though, seem to put it just out of reach for people when it is held to such high esteem. I can't help but wonder if some think they cannot achieve patience and just quit trying. This verse has helped me realize that God wants everyone to master patience, and if he expects it of us, then everyone can do it.
I have been waiting on God to provide for my family since my husband lost his job in January, and I have not waited patiently. Typically when I begin to get impatient I lash out at those around me. God has shown me, through this verse, that when my patience is wearing think I should lean on him and seek his peace and counsel.
Lord thank you for allowing us to lean on you in our times of need. Teach us patience as you are the greatest example when you tolerate our sinful human behaviors. Show us mercy as we continue to learn your will and follow your teachings. Thank you for sending us the greatest example in your Son, Jesus. Bless our days as we dwell in you. Amen.
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