I was commuting to work this morning when a sudden urge to pray overtook me. I began to pray for my son and my husband. Outside of growing my own relationship with God, I care deeply how each of them grow in Christ as well. My prayer was simple: Lord, reveal yourself to each of them, so they will draw closer to you. After I dwelled on that for a moment, I decided it wasn't selfish to request the same for myself. I asked God to reveal himself to me, as well.
I was driving through thick, rolling fog and as I looked up, I saw the fog slowly dissolving in the morning sun. A break in the white clouds revealed a calm, lush tree line topping a nearby hill. It was a beautiful contrast between the deep greens of the trees and the silvery white of the fog. God had answered my prayer.
You see, I went to work early today. I knew when I left work on Friday that Monday was going to be a long, hard day. I went about my morning routine preparing myself for mishaps and thwarted projects. Without realizing it, I was actually setting myself up to have a pessimistic day! But in a single moment, God gave me a scene of complete peace and tranquility in that hillside.
I began to smile as I looked forward to the day instead of dreading it. After all, it was only one day, and that one day put me that much closer to eternity with God. Every time my day took a sour turn, I pictured that tree line and the rolling fog. It kept me calm all day. (Its amazing how God works like that).
I found a verse that really put it into perspective for me. Romans 8:18 says, "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to us." God has given us a light at the end of the tunnel. We, as Christians, are certain of greater, glorious times we will spend with God. We can take joy in that! The things of this life are trivial in the scope of things. It is hard to remember that in the middle of a major earthly trial, but when we focus on God, he will remind us of that when we need it.
Lord, thank you for revealing yourself to me. Thank you for always knowing my needs even before I do. Give me the knowledge to reveal you to others, Lord, so that my life, through you, an serve a greater cause. Lord, being at peace today made a world of difference in my joy and my mentality. I want that for others. Thank you for that hope and grace that lead to everlasting peace and life. Amen.